Wednesday, November 16, 2011

17NOV2011- editorial in progress...

...still thinking about the issue;..

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

iPAD to the MAX!

Self portrait - digital painting - photo manipulation-done on ipad. it looks small, thin, light weight but its capability to produce beautiful cool works is an answer why we choose ipad compared to other tablets!:) 5 hrs rendering - artrage on ipad. :)

Friday, July 29, 2011


THIS painting done in photoshop and artrage-painter- 6 hours rendering - see on postal voting system-seems like govt also agree that this system need an editorial cartoon in painting mood is really an eye catching ..but it takes a bit long time to and white is still the best for current issue...:) - published on july 14,2011 - NSP iPAD version

2 day before BERSIH rally

this is also focus on BERSIH rally ...roadblock issue-2 day before the date - done in photoshop and painter - 4 hours rendering-base on real picture...

'BERSIH" issue

Try to do some 'painting' for editorial cartoons slot - here is the idea from NST iPAD editor - Mr. L - BERSIH is yellow in color - and bumblebee also yellow and very famous - and the BERSIH rally happened to be at the same time and date of the Transformers movie been screening ...all the process done within 6 hours rendering using photoshop - painter and artrage...:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

for the people of JAPAN-no.2

photo manipulation-painting manipulation-miming? emulate? - done in photoshop and painter- try to emulate painting on wood-it's should look like acrylic on plywood when printing....editorial illustration.

for the people of JAPAN

sketch manually and scan at 200dpi-import into photoshop-fine tuning and paint in painter-final touchup including dirt and screentone in photoshop-editorial illustration

Friday, March 4, 2011


khalid and khusrin - photoshop and painter - 3 hours rendering - editorial cartoon - for Sunday Times.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Editorial Cartoon-Campus Election issue

its been long time since my last post. this is for editorial cartoon-published in Sunday Times-campus politic issue-manually sketch and coloring done in painter 8 - final touch up in photoshop. - try to implement new style of coloring - a bit to painting style...for 2011

Sunday, June 6, 2010


to palestinian people - just stay put - people of the world are with you - within you! thousand of mavi marmara - thousands of rachel corie - on her way to the holy land! Viva Palestina!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Undiscipline Student - Learning Curve Cover

cover for learning curve - discipline of schoolboy issue
hi res file: Transfer/MARCH27/ SCHOOLBOY.jpg
original file: search for folder MARCH25 on my pc.

EDITORIAL CARTOON - Step by step!-no. 2

another step by step how i do illustration for editorial cartoon - scanning at 200dpi grayscale - cleanup all dirts in photoshop .

the background i done manually and then scan into photoshop - mix with the plain artwork will make it look like all done manually.

All the toning and the dirt - stain done in photoshop using custom brush.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Editorial Cartoon - The process - progress.

..friends and colleagues ask me to do a tutorial about doing illustrations - i post an editorial cartoon in the making! - not up to fully explanation tutorial but at least it could give you a bit clear pix about how i am doing it.

pencil sketch at first stage - done manually - using any brand of 2B pencil on A3 60gram paper. - paper that i slit from the printer! - at that very first stage i add depth - toning using 2B pencil - it's just like a guide for lighting actually

second stage - scan at 200 dpi and open in photoshop - adjust using LEVELS - play with this col feature till i got what i feel so good to clear all the dirt and to highlights...

third stage - apply dirt to make it more dramatic - i used to refer to soo many editorial cartoonist style - so this is the best style soo far that i believe it's cool to have a cartoon style like this to be publish in our very cool local english newspaper - New Straits Times! - the dirts and dark toning done in photoshop - using custom brush that you can downloads freely on net.

Friday, March 5, 2010

old folks home


hi res file: desktop/ editorialkartuns/ 2010/ MARCH05/ OLD. jpg

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

ANOREXIA - a plague!

anorexia - to be thin and skinny is art - art of no eating! it's a plague? among most famoust model - catwalk artist? :) - collage - photoshop - painter. 4 hrs rendering .

Friday, February 5, 2010


topic about tention-pressure-deppressed of our kids at school today - photoshop-painter-digital collage. 4 hrs rendering. a cover for life and times...
hi res file: TRANSFER/ FEB2010/ TENTION.jpg

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

super JEALOUSY..leads to DIVORCE?

jealous. among other reasons why too many divorce case? ..

artrage-painter-photoshop for life and times cover - july09

where?: transfer/ july09/ DIVORCE.jpg

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

happy father's day - issue; fathers who fly away to work for family happiness, wealthiness..

Pregnant? NO! - i am not ready yet!

getting married but not plan to have kids. proposal cover

cover life and times - height and kid's health - artrage and photoshop - photo collage