Thursday, September 25, 2008

GUN - painting

filename: PISTOL.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
gun control - criminal- crime - amok - shooting

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pervez Musharraf - Caricature

filename: pervezfinal.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
pervez musharraf - former prime minister of Pakistan - caricature

Raja Petra Detained 2 Years

filename: ISA.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
ISA - blogger Raja Petra Detained 2 years - malaysia today

Yasuo Fukada - Caricature

filename: YASUOFUKADA.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
yasuo fukada - prime minister of japan - politic - caricature

Monday, September 22, 2008

US Economy Plunged Down!

filename: USFLAGFINAL.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
us economy weak - worsen - bail out - giant company - lehman - AIG

Big Fist - Ready to Rumble

filename: BIGFIST.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
big fist - ready to fight - full spirit - dgital painting

Friday, September 19, 2008

Abuse of Foreign Maids

filename: MAID.jpg - A4 300 dpi 
where?: transfer/SEPTEMBER08/ MAID.jpg
abuse of foreign maids in malaysia

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pollution - Painting

filename: POLLUTEFINAL.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
pollution - open burning - green house - painting

Nuclear Power Plant

filename: NUKEPOWER.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
nuclear power plant

Bird - colorfull bird - painting

filename: BIRDFINAL.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
bird, digital painting, peace, nature

Crysanthemeum Flower - painting

filename: FLOWERFINAL.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
flower - crysanthemeum - bunga matahari - bloom - happiness - peace

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fist - Digital Painting

filename: FISTFINAL.jpg-A3 300 dpi
where?: pc7

Helmet - WAR monument

filename: HELMETFINAL.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
war - blood - terrorism

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Toll Free Line - 1 - 800

filename: TOLLFREE.jpg - A3 - 200 dpi
where?: pc7 or Transfer/ SEPTEMBER08/ TOLLFREE.jpg
toll free line - life and times inside story

Monday, September 8, 2008

Play by ear Musician - Life n Times Cover

filename: violinfinal.jpg - A4 300 dpi
Where?: transfer/SEPT08/violinfinal.jpg
music note - play by ear - painting, illustration - life and times cover

Friday, September 5, 2008

Corporate Crime - Corruption?

filename: corpcrimefinal.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
corporate crime - graft - corruption - concept illustration

Samak Sundravej - Caricature

filename: samakfinal.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
samak sundravej - thailand prime minister - caricature

Thursday, September 4, 2008

PIGEON - digital painting

filename: pigeonfinal.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
pigeon - bird - peace - painting - lonely - sadness

Mohd Nor Awang - Caricature

filename: mdnorawang.jpg
where?: pc7
corruption - graft - seremban

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gavel - Painting

filename: judgefinal.jpg - A4 300 dpi
where?: pc7
judgement - law - gavel - concept illustration