Thursday, March 25, 2010

EDITORIAL CARTOON - Step by step!-no. 2

another step by step how i do illustration for editorial cartoon - scanning at 200dpi grayscale - cleanup all dirts in photoshop .

the background i done manually and then scan into photoshop - mix with the plain artwork will make it look like all done manually.

All the toning and the dirt - stain done in photoshop using custom brush.


Unknown said...

hi... very nice drawings... you should check out cos they've got all these great graphics and drawings stuffs there as well. :)

Jeandre said...

Its great to see it step by step and to see how a drawing evolves. If you are new to drawing then looking at someone's end product can be very intimidating. I found that watching people draw is a great way to learn as well because you learn the "patience" it takes to get to the final image.

Daniel :)